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Fixed income Clearing Services Fees

Effective from 1 January 2014

For further information on fees, please send your request to lchclearnetsa_BILLINGINFO@lchclearnet.com.

The rates indicated below are expressed in euro and are subject to VAT at the applicable rate. Fee grid applies to both Bonds&Repos and €GCPlus services.

I. Clearing fees

The clearing fees as described in this section are common at Group level.

A. Minimum Activity Charge (MAC)

A single Minimum Activity Charge will apply to all clearing members registered in LCH.Clearnet SA and/or LCH.Clearnet Ltd accounts for Fixed income / Repoclear operations.

Calculated on a monthly basis, the MAC is the minimum monthly amount to be paid by each clearing member. This MAC is a common one for LCH.Clearnet SA and LCH.Clearnet Ltd; members registering operations on both “segments” will be charged the MAC amount once only.

For all debts SA and Ltd
Group level MAC amount – monthly payable€ 5,000.00

The MAC is only levied if the total amount of clearing fees (see below) is lower than the amount of the MAC. In that case, the member is charged with the difference between these two amounts as follows:

If Sigma fees m < MACm => charge of [ (MACm) - Sigma fees m ]

Where : 
Sigma fees m: represents the total clearing fees levied on buy/sell and repo transactions, on both LCH.Clearnet SA and LCH.Clearnet Ltd, in the course of the month ‘m’.
MACm: represents the Minimum Activity Charge for the same month.

LCH.Clearnet SA invoices the MAC in the course of the month following that for which it is due.

For General Clearing Members, LCH.Clearnet SA invoices the MAC for their transactions or their group ones if necessary and per trading member cleared (for example : a general clearing member is required to pay each month a minimum of € 5,000 per number of trading member cleared).

B. Clearing fees

LCH.Clearnet SA charges a fee for each transaction cleared. The clearing fees are invoiced on a monthly basis.

Examples of composite rates on differing term repo trades
TermEffective ad-valorem rate Processing Fee
 1 day trade 0.00375% +€ 2.75 
 7 day trade0.00375% +€ 2.75 
 90 day trade 0.00352% +€ 2.75 
 180 day trade 0.00276% +€ 2.75 
 360 day trade 0.00238% +€ 2.75 

Clearing fees for repo transactions are calculated on the basis of duration i.e.: the number of calendar days between the commencement date and the termination date of the repo (excluding the commencement date), with an annual basis of 360 days. They are charged after the termination date falls due.

Example of Fee Calculation
Based on a trade of €100 million for a one-year term (360 days)
7 days @ 0.00375%(7/360)x100,000,000x0.0000375=€72.92
83 days @ 0.00350%(83/360)x100,000,000x0.0000350=€806.94
270 days @ 0.0020%(270/360)x100,000,000x0.00002=€1500.00
= effective fee rate of 0.00238%  
+ €2.75 processing fee=€2.75
Total registration fee=€2382.61

II. Clearing services

A. Recovery of settlement related costs

LCH.Clearnet SA re-charges members with settlement related costs as follows:

French debt:

Italian debt:

 Spanish debt:

Note 1.Please refer to : https://www.euroclear.com/site/publishedFile/2012_NL_022_Tariff_update_T2S_recharge_tcm94-266540.pdf

Note 2.Please refer to the related instruction for the net fail qualification

B. Recovery of Euroclear France Découpage1 charges

Euroclear France charges a cost2 per découpage event to the counterparty that failed to deliver bonds; LCH.Clearnet SA is also charged on an equivalent basis to other market participants.

LCH.Clearnet SA recovers découpage related costs incurred as a result of the failure by a member to deliver bonds on the scheduled date.

LCH.Clearnet SA applies the following rules to determine the appropriate members and amounts to be recharged:

Découpage charges are recovered on a monthly basis.


C. Un-matched instructions: penalties3

Clearing Members are due to send directly or through their settlement agents their settlement instructions, related to their cleared transactions, to Iberclear.

The lack of this obligation will be charged €5,000 per instruction not sent.


III. IDB services

A fixed fee of €0.15 per million nominal is charged to the IDB for each transaction received which the IDB is counterparty. These IDB fees are calculated as soon as the transactions are received.

IV. Web Fixed Income

Please refer to the Technical fee grid for the access cards fees.

Note 1. Découpage is the name given by Euroclear France to an end-of-day process used to optimise settlement efficiency by delivering against payment any bonds that remain in the seller’s account that form part of an unsettled delivery obligation. Découpage is equivalent to a partialling process.

Note 2. Currently, this charge is €230 (excluding VAT) per decoupage event.

Note 3. Only applicable to Spanish Debt.

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