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Entry into force of Triparty Repo Clearing Rules

Entrée en vigueur des Règles de la Compensation relatives aux Pensions Livrées Tripartites

2014-037 Published June 12, 2014

Principles of registration and the clearing hours in the Clearing Systems

Principes d’enregistrement et heures de compensation dans les Systèmes de Compensation

2014-035 Published June 10, 2014

Transfer of Client Positions pursuant to Instruction IV.5-2

Transfert des Positions Clients en application de l'Instruction IV.5-2

2014-028 Published May 14, 2014

Agreed silos – Performance procedures for services of agreed delivery silos

Silos agréés – Modalités d’exécution des prestations des silos de livraison agréés

2014-026 Published April 28, 2014

Delivery procedure applied to N° 2 Milling Wheat future contract

Procédure de livraison appliquée au contrat à terme sur le Blé de Meunerie N°2

2014-025 Published April 28, 2014

Buy-in procedure: Tender price, Delivery timing & Calculations of cash compensation and penalty for failure to deliver

Procédure de rachat : Prix d’appel, Horaires de livraison & Calcul de l’indemnité en espèce et de la pénalité pour défaut de livraison

2014-019 Published April 7, 2014

List of trading and matching platforms recognised by LCH.Clearnet SA 

Plateformes de negociation et appariement reconnues par LCH.Clearnet SA

2014-015 Published March 24, 2014

Designation of Trade Repository

Désignation du Référentiel Central


Published Feb 07, 2014

Triparty Repo main characteristics

Principales caractéristiques des Pensions Livrées Tripartites


Published Dec 12, 2013

Timeframes applicable to Collateral Deposits/Returns and other notifications pursuant to instructions IV.4-1, IV.3-1, IV.3-2 AND V.4-2.

Délais applicables aux dépôts et restitution de Collatéral et autres notifications en application des instructions V.4-1, IV.3-1, IV.3-2 ET V.4-2

 2013-096Published Dec 12, 2013

Notice defining the amount of LCH.Clearnet SA's dedicated own resources allocated to relevant Default Funds to be used in case of an Event of Default

Montant des ressources propres de LCH.Clearnet SA alloué aux Fonds de Gestion de la Défaillance concernés et disponibles en cas de défaillance 

 2013-095Published Dec 12, 2013

Notice defining the enforcement date applicable to the Chapter 1 of Instruction II.2-3 in respect with Clearing Agreements entered into between Clearing Members and their Non-Trading Members

Avis contenant la date d’entrée en vigueur du Chapitre 1 de l’Instruction II.2-3 relatif aux Conventions de Compensations conclues entre les Adhérents Compensateurs et leurs Membres Non Négociateurs

 2013-094Published Dec 12, 2013
CDSClear Approved Matching Providers2013-056Published Jul 11, 2013
Delivery procedure applied to malting barley future contract2012-108Published Oct 2, 2012
Information relating to the provision of Clearing Services to Galaxy Trading system Launch date2012-074Published July 24, 2012 

Delivery procedure applied to skimmed milk powder future contract 

2012-071Published July 12, 2012
Delivery procedure applied to rapeseed oil future contract2012-070Published July 12, 2012
Delivery procedure applied to rapeseed future contract2012-069Published July 12, 2012
Delivery procedure applied to corn future contract2012-066Published July 12, 2012
Delivery ports2012-024Published Mar 12, 2012 
French and Spanish Government debt securities Settlement Shaping (English and French version)2012-021Published Mar 8, 2012
Penalty for Net Fails on Dutch subscription rights2011-101Published July 7, 2011 
Information relating to the provision of Clearing Services to Nyse BondMatch and Galaxy Trading system Launch date2011-095Published June 27, 2011
Management of corporate event CRUCELL2011-030Published February 14, 2011 
Management of corporate event Draka/Prysmian2011-020Published February 1, 2011
Principles applied to the determination of the Settlement Price for Transactions on government debt securities 2010-167Published December 16, 2010 
Arbitration Courts 2010-139Published October 4, 2010 
Conditions governing accreditation of authorisers 2010-141Published October 4, 2010 
Conditions governing the approval of analysis laboratories 2010-142Published October 4, 2010 
Obligation to inform settlement systems Participants  2010-034 Published March 25, 2010 
Instruction of Exercise and Abandon on Option Contract (English and French version)2009-071 Published May 18, 2009
New Clearing Rules Intra-text references / Tables of concordance2009-052Published Apr 14, 2009
Cancellation of Notice 2008-021 related to Collateral accepted by LCH.Clearnet SA2009-028Published Feb 19, 2009
Prorogation Notice/Avis de Prorogation - Extension period of suspension - ESES Stream 32009-020Published Jan 20, 2009
Correcting Notice - Temporary Suspension of Procedure - ESES Stream 32009-017Published Jan 16, 2009
Timeframe applicable for the sending of payment and delivery instruction to the relevant CSD of Reference or Securities Settlement Systems2009-013Published Jan 09, 2009
Cease of Lending and Borrowing System on the Belgian Clearing Segment2008-119Published Sep 25, 2008
Corporate event linked to SUEZ/Gaz de France options

Corporate event management Package method Guide
2008-084Published Jul 16, 2008
Calculation of cash compensation on BlueNext2008-053Published Apr 18, 2008
Bourse de Luxembourg-Scope of notices (English and French version)2008-052Published Apr 18, 2008
BlueNext-Scope of notices (English and French version)2008-051Published Apr 18, 2008
Clearing hours on BlueNext2008-050Published Apr 18, 2008
Scope of the clearing services provided on Transactions negociated on BDL (English and French version)2008-032Published Mar 13, 2008
Postponement of the enforcement of the procedure for settling Net Fails (English and French version)2008-031Published Mar 11, 2008
Net Fails and Settlement solution obligation (English and French version)2008-017Published Feb 07, 2008
Buy in Procedure – Settlement for Net Fails on rights (English and French version)2007-110Published Sep 17, 2007
Cap and floor of the clearing fund for transactions registered in CLEARING 21 and the individual additional margin2007-053Published Apr 25, 2007
Intra-day Margin Calls (English version)2007-042Published Mar 30, 2007
Appel de fonds complémentaires (French version)2007-042Published Mar 30, 2007
Parameters of the Calculation of the contributions to the Clearing Fund of LCH.Clearnet SA dedicated to markets cleared through Clearing 21® (English version)2006-0158Published Oct 26, 2006
Paramètres de calcul des contributions aux fonds de garantie de la compensation de LCH.Clearnet SA, dédié aux marchés compensés au sein du système Clearing 21® (French version)2006-0158Published Oct 26, 2006
Parameters for additional margins to cover de-netting risk2006-0113Published June 23, 2006
Transactions guaranted by LCH.Clearnet SA / Transactions garanties par LCH.Clearnet SA2006-0109Published June 14, 2006
Transactions executed on Alternext markets Brussels and Paris / Transactions exécutées sur les marchés Alternext2006-0104Published June 12, 2006
Settlement of net fails of financial instruments listed as securities by a market undertaking which give rignt on the maturity date to securities listed on another market than the one on which the financial instruments are traded.2005-0172Published Dec 7, 2005
Settlement price of securities AEX AMX2004-0142Published Jun 4, 2004

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