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Company Circular No:

LCH.Clearnet LLC Circular No 35

Service Circular No:SwapClear No  120
Date: 24 February 2014
To:All SwapClear US members

Approved Trade Source System (LLC)

LCH.Clearnet LLC is writing to announce that it has received all necessary regulatory and internal approvals to designate each of Javelin SEF, LLC, SwapEx LLC and TeraExchange, LLC as an Approved Trade Source System. An Approved Trade Source System is a platform that submits SwapClear Transactions directly to LCH.Clearnet LLC. Javelin SEF, LLC, SwapEx LLC and TeraExchange, LLC are each currently temporarily registered as a Swap Execution Facility with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). 

‘Approved Trade Source System’ and ‘SwapClear Transaction’ have the meanings assigned in the Rulebook of LCH.Clearnet LLC.

For queries please contact: SwapClear Client Services| LCH.Clearnet | Tel 1 (212) 513 8265
Email: swapclearclientservices@lchclearnet.com