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Originating department:Commercial Services
Company Circular No:LCH.Clearnet Ltd Circular No 2586
 Service Circular No:LME No 414
Date:18 February 2010
To:All LME Clearing Members

Synapse Implementation on LME - Member Testing update

Dear Member 

This circular provides an update to members on our plans for Synapse Member testing in the coming months in preparation for go-live on 21 June 2010.

As previously communicated, Synapse Member testing is broken down into three phases. The first of these; “Synapse Informal Member Testing Cycle 1 (IMT1)”, is now underway. This phase of testing only includes interaction with the External Interface plus (XI+) and does not include any other member facing applications. All documentation relating to this test phase has been published, but should you require any further information, please contact one of the Member test team whose contact details are listed at the end of this Circular.

The other two test phases are:

• Synapse Informal Member Testing Cycle 2 (IMT2)

• Synapse Formal Member Testing

This remainder of this Circular provides more information about the IMT2 phase of Member Testing.

Details about the Synapse Formal Member Test, due to take place between May and June 2010 will be provided under a separate notice.

1. IMT2 Test environment

This test phase will build on the IMT1 and will introduce other member facing applications that make up the LME Clearing Service, as follows:-

• Synapse GUI
• Member Reporting GUI
• External Interface Plus (XI+)
• PC Bridge (V.5.0.1)
• LMEsmart 1.7.5

It should be noted that LMEsmart will not be included from the start of IMT2, but will be introduced during this test phase. Please see below for more information about IMT2 timelines.

2. IMT2 Testing timelines

08/03/10 to 12/3/105Member Connectivity to
• Synapse GUI
• Member Reporting GUI
• External Interface Plus (XI+)
15/3/10 to 26/3/1010Member testing period, excluding LMEsmart
22/3/10 to 26/3/105Member Connectivity LMEsmart
29/3/10 to 30/4/1025Member testing period, including LMEsmart

Members should note that during this test phase, testing will be based on real-days and available and supported between the hours of 9am and 5pm. This is to ensure that the test environments can be prepared in good time for their availability the next day.

Any issues raised by members outside these hours will be resolved on the next business day, during the support hours.

3. Test Coverage

During IMT2, testing will comprise all valid products and prompts available in production at that time. 

All test trade data will be scripted by LCH.Clearnet in conjunction with the LME.

During the first part of the testing when LMEsmart is not available, test trades will be inserted by LCH.Clearnet directly into Synapse.

When LMEsmart becomes available members will be provided with trade scripts to allow for the direct  entry of test trades into LMEsmart.

4. Training

LCH.Clearnet will provide training on the Synapse GUI prior to the start of IMT2.

Joining instructions for Synapse Clearing Member Training workshops will be sent out shortly.

More detailed testing information will be provided in the coming weeks, but should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself or one of the member test team below.


Ruby Dhanjal +44 (0) 207 426 3765
Andrew Mackay +44 (0) 207 426 7445
Rahul Pansare +44 (0) 207 426 7923

Yours sincerely


Gary Lyons
Manager, Commodities and Derivatives