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Originating department:Commercial Services
Company Circular No:LCH.Clearnet Ltd Circular No 2625
 Service Circular No:EquityClear Circular No 159
Date:26 May 2010
To:All EquityClear Clearing Members

LCH.Clearnet Ltd EquityClear Service Testing Dates

As part of our commitment to our members, LCH.Clearnet is offering the opportunity to test the functionality of EquityClear, across the range of products offered with the service.

The dates for testing are listed below.

5 July to 16 July
2 August to 13 August
6 September to 17 September
4 October to 15 October

If you have any questions or wish to arrange testing please do not hesitate to contact: 

Ian Mackenzie on 020 7426 7265 ian.mackenzie@lchclearnet.com


Yours sincerely
Wayne Eagle, Director, LCH.Clearnet EquityClear