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Originating department:Commercial Services
Company Circular No:LCH.Clearnet Ltd Circular No 2632
Service Circular No:LME Circular No 419
Date:3 June 2010
To:All LME Clearing Members

LME Matching and Clearing System unavailable on weekends beginning on Saturday 5 and 12 June 2010

We would like to advise all LCH.Clearnet LME Clearing members that the LME Matching and Clearing System (MCS) will be unavailable for access on the following days:

Saturday 5 June
Sunday 6 June
Saturday 12
Sunday 13 June

We are making minor changes to MCS as part of Synapse implementation in July 2010. There will be minimum impact to members.

We would ask all members to re-schedule any activities that they would normally undertake on these dates to another time.

We apologise for any inconvenience, if you have any questions with regards to this, please contact one of the following :   
Martin West -  martin.west@lchclearnet.com   +(44) 207 426 7089
David Farrar -  david.farrar@lchclearnet.com  +(44) 207 426 7582

Yours sincerely,


Martin West
Manager, Relationship Management
Commercial Services