Originating department: | Commercial Services |
Company Circular No: | LCH.Clearnet Ltd Circular No 2644 |
Service Circular No: | EquityClear Circular No 160 |
Date: | 28 June 2010 |
To: | All EquityClear Clearing Members |
Dear Member,
LCH.Clearnet Limited (LCH) would like to advise its members that from 23 July, it will be expanding its EquityClear service and extending the clearing hours accordingly.
As a consequence, it will not be possible to process all trade information from the exchanges until approximately 21:00 hours. This will result in End of Day member reports being produced at approximately 22:00 hours.
Please use the following link to access the full suite of EquityClear reports.
Members requiring further information should contact Ian MacKenzie on +44 20 7426 7265 or ian.mackenzie@lchclearnet.com.
Yours sincerely
Wayne Eagle, Director, LCH.Clearnet EquityClear