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Originating department:Commercial Services
Company Circular No:LCH.Clearnet Ltd Circular No 2658
 Service Circular No:EquityClear Circular No 163
Date:26 July 2010
To:All EquityClear Clearing Members

Changes to EquityClear settlement related invoices

Dear Member,

LCH.Clearnet Limited would like to advise its members that, as from 1 June 2010, Euroclear UK & Ireland (EUI) amended its tariff structure for domestic deliveries.

LCH.Clearnet will be charged for its settlements using the new EUI sliding scale tariff, based on average daily volume. Therefore, the LCH.Clearnet settlement related invoices will be adjusted to reflect this change.


Members requiring further information should contact Ian MacKenzie on +44 20 7426 7265 or ian.mackenzie@lchclearnet.com.

Yours sincerely

Wayne Eagle, Director, LCH.Clearnet EquityClear