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Originating department:Commercial Services
Company Circular No:LCH.Clearnet Ltd Circular No 2708
Service Circular No:LCH EnClear No 308
Date:01 November 2010
To:All LCH EnClear Members

Fee reductions for the EnClear OTC Clearing service for Freight

Dear Member

LCH.Clearnet is pleased to announce that from 1 November 2010, it will be reducing the clearing fees charged for FFA contracts.

The clearing fee for the Capesize Timecharter contract (CTC) will be reduced by 20% to $12/lot. All other headline rates will remain unchanged.

In addition, we will be introducing reduced tiered fee rates based upon total monthly volumes traded by individual accounts, across all freight contracts.

The tiers will be as follows:

Incremental monthly client volumesDiscounts on headline rates
From   0-2499  lotsna
From   2500 - 4999   lots20%
From   5000-  7499   lots30%
From   7500  lots40%

At the end of every month, LCH.Clearnet will inform each Member which of their accounts are due a rebate based on the volumes and associated reduced fees charged by LCH.Clearnet. These rebates will highlighted and reflected in the Member’s monthly invoice statements.

If you have any questions relating to this circular, or would like to view an example of the monthly spreadsheet detailing the rebates, please do not hesitate to contact me on +44 207 426 7460 or isabella.kurek-smith@lchclearnet.com or Holly Shaw on +44 207 426 7027 or  Holly.shaw@lchclearnet.com


Yours sincerely

Isabella Kurek-Smith
Commercial Services