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Originating department:Commercial Services
Company Circular No:LCH.Clearnet Ltd Circular No 2761
Service Circular No:LCH EnClear No 321
Date:17 January 2011
To:All LCH.Clearnet EnClear Clearing Members

Service Extension – LCH EnClear OTC Forward CER Contracts

LCH.Clearnet Ltd would like to inform members that the service for EnClear OTC Forward CER Contracts will be extended into Phase III of the EU ETS.  From Friday 28 January 2011 three new contract tenures will be listed covering December 2013, December 2014 and December 2015. 

The new expiry dates are indicated below.

ContractExpiry Date
Dec13 CER Forward16/12/2013
Dec14 CER Forward15/12/2014
Dec15 CER Forward14/12/2015

Basic contract terms will remain unchanged and can be found in the LCH.Clearnet Ltd General Regulations.

If you have any questions relating to this circular, please contact Jason LaBrooy on +44 20 7426 6323, Jason.LaBrooy@lchclearnet.com

Yours sincerely

Jason LaBrooy 
Commercial Services