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Originating department:Treasury Operations
Company Circular No:LCH.Clearnet Ltd Circular No 2783
Date:18 February 2011
To:All Members and PPS Banks

Enhanced Member Reporting

During Q2 2011 enhancements will be introduced to Banking Member Reporting.

Currently, Business Objects reporting tool is used to generate and view Banking reports. LCH.Clearnet will switch to publishing reports in PDF files instead of Business Objects .rep files. 

Providing the reports in pdf format offers the following advantages:

All other aspects of member reporting will stay the same, specifically: 

You will have the opportunity to access sample .pdf and .txt reports before the changes go live. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact :

Dat Do on 020 7426 7392  or dat.do@lchclearnet.com

Robert Nash on 020 7426 6380 or  robert.nash@lchclearnet.com

Yours sincerely

Siobhan White
Director of Treasury Operations