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Originating department:Commercial Services
Company Circular No:LCH.Clearnet Ltd Circular No 2794
Service Circular No: EquityClear Circular No 177
Date:28 February 2011
To:All EquityClear Clearing Members

EquityClear service to include additional ISINs on SIX Swiss Exchange

LCH.Clearnet Limited would like to advise its members that SIX Swiss Exchange will be increasing its range of tradable and cleared ISINs to include the more liquid Dutch, French, German & UK securities made available from Liquidnet’s exclusive liquidity pool. Trading is expected to commence during Q2, 2011.

LCH.Clearnet expects no change to the current service; all trades will be processed using existing SIX Swiss Exchange technology. Clearing will be provided through LCH.Clearnet’s EquityClear service and clearing members will continue to benefit from the existing member reporting, margin offsets and the discounted tariff structure.

Should you require further information please contact Ian Mackenzie on 020 7426 7265 ian.mackenzie@lchclearnet.com

Yours sincerely

Wayne Eagle 
Executive Director, LCH.Clearnet EquityClear