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Originating department:Commercial Services
Company Circular No:LCH.Clearnet Ltd Circular No 2839
Service Circular No: NYSE Liffe Circular No 780
Date:20 April 2011
To:All LCH.Clearnet NYSE Liffe Clearing Members

NYSE Liffe Margin Calls

Further to LCH.Clearnet Ltd's circular NYSE Liffe 779 dated 19 April 2011 pertaining to the NYSE Liffe Trident 2 Release, LCH.Clearnet Ltd continues to experience processing issues.

Contracts affected for business of Tuesday 19 April are EuroSwiss, Short Sterling and Long Gilt.

Initial and Variation margin values were not posted. Cash flows will be manually posted and it is expected that this will be completed no later than 14.30 BST today.

LCH.Clearnet will advise members of any resultant PPS Calls and Pays that will be made using the updated data and these will be reflected on Report33 (ITD PPS Movement Detail Report). Members are requested to monitor this report frequently.

We apologise to members for the disruption caused. Should you have any queries or require any clarification please contact:

For general queries:

Richard Heyman
Director, Head of Client Management
Tel: 020 7426 7293

For Initial Margin and Variation Margin queries:

Risk Management
Tel: 020 7426 7520

For PPS Calls and Pays queries:

Treasury Operations
Tel: 020 7426 7505