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Originating department:Commercial Services
Company Circular No:LCH.Clearnet Ltd Circular No 2902
Service Circular No:LME Circular No 442
Date:08 July 2011
To:All LME Clearing Members

Synapse for LME - Maintenance Release, 18 July 2011

Dear Members,

LCH.Clearnet will be implementing a maintenance release to introduce enhancements to Synapse on 18 July 2011.

The changes will benefit all users and will include:

There are no changes to the XI+ messages or to the formats of the XML and TDF data sets.

The new intra-day margin calling process will only start on 1 August 2011.

If you have any questions on the new intra-day margining process please contact the following:

lifan.zhang@lchclearnet.com    0207 426 7979

Please do not hesitate to contact the following if you have any questions about the maintenance release. Further details of the changes have been published in the member secure area on our website.

david.farrar@lchclearnet.com  0207 426 7582

martin.west@lchclearnet.com  0207 426 7089

This circular follows circular no. 2853 issued on the 4 May 2011

Yours sincerely,


David Farrar
Director, Head of Metals and Commodities