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Originating department:Commercial Services
Company Circular No:LCH.Clearnet Ltd Circular No 2923
Service Circular No:LCH EnClear No 344
Date:29 July 2011
To:All LCH.Clearnet EnClear Members

Extension of clearing for P2A and P3A Freight routes, settling against average all index days 

LCH.Clearnet is pleased to announce that in response to market demand, we will be introducing contracts for the P2A and P3A routes, settling against an average of all index days, in addition to our existing contracts settling against last 7 index days.  The P1A route already settles against both all index days and last 7 index days.

Additionally, all 6 contracts will be listed out to 3 whole calendar years (incl Cal 14).

P3A settled against all index days will launch Monday 1 August.
P2A settled against all index days will launch Thursday 4 August.

In summary and effective Monday 1 August:

RouteLast 7 Days Contract CodeAll Index Days Contract Code Contract Series
P1AP1AP1EOut to 3 whole Cals
P2AP2AP2E*Out to 3 whole Cals*
P3AP3AP3EOut to 3 whole Cals
* from 4 August

Full contract specifications are available on our website at: http://www.lchclearnet.com/freight/ffas/products.asp

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Isabella Kurek-Smith on +44 20 7426 7460 or isabella.kurek-smith@lchclearnet.com or Holly Shaw on +44 20 7426 7027 or holly.shaw@lchclearnet.com

Isabella Kurek-Smith
Director, Head of Energy and Freight Markets
Commercial Services