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Company Circular No:LCH.Clearnet Ltd Circular No 3071
Service Circular No:EquityClear Circular No 212
Date:25 January 2012
To:All Turquoise Derivative Clearing Members

Delivery and settlement of Turquoise Derivatives physical deliveries through the EquityClear service

Further to LCH.Clearnet Ltd Circular No 3044 dated 8 December 2012, which detailed changes to the processing of  Turquoise Derivatives contracts, clearing  members are reminded that as of Monday 30 January 2012 all equity trades resulting from Turquoise Derivatives contracts will be cleared and settled through the EquityClear service.

Clearing members are reminded that settlement instructions with a trade date of 30 January 2012 should no longer be sent for the Russian IOB contracts to Euroclear bank, and that these will be instructed by LCH.Clearnet under Power of Attorney (POA).

As previously advised LCH.Clearnet will also be changing its standard settlement instructions (SSIs) for Norwegian deliveries. All Norwegian physical contracts with a trade date of 30 January 2012 onwards should contain the following settlement instructions at Den Norske Bank: 

BIC New Settlement Participant IdSafe Custody Account
Further information on these changes can be found on the LCH.Clearnet website under the following link: http://www.lchclearnet.com/derivatives/turquoise_derivatives/changes_to_settlement_process_faqs.asp

Karen Swift
Karen.swift@lchclearnet.com    Tel: +44 (0) 20 7426 7562