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Originating department:Commercial Services
Company Circular No:LCH.Clearnet Ltd Circular No 3064
Service Circular No:EquityClear Circular No 211
Date:16 January 2012
To:All Turquoise Derivative Clearing Members

Turquoise Derivatives service status message

We are pleased to inform you that as from the 17th January 2012 we will start to issue service status messages in relation to the LCH.Clearnet Ltd Turquoise Derivatives clearing service.

Members will receive notifications regarding an initial issue or incident,  any continued investigation together with any updates, and a resolution message.  The following email subject titles will be received.

• Turquoise Derivatives Clearing Member Service Notice Message
• Turquoise Derivatives Clearing Member Service Update Message
• Turquoise Derivatives Clearing Member Service Resumed Message

We have implemented this process to improve communications to our clients and to enable our clients to manage these incidents more effectively.

This approach should also reduce the need to contact our service desk to obtain updates about incidents and is consistent with our approach to other markets and services.

We will keep this process under review and would welcome your feedback and suggestions.

The messages will be sent to our current service distribution list from our service status email address Service.Status@lchclearnet.com.   Those members that are currently in receipt of this circular will also receive the above service status messages.

Should you require further information regarding this or to add/remove contact names to our distribution lists please contact Karen Swift karen.swift@lchclearnet.com.