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Company Circular No:LCH.Clearnet Ltd Circular No 3095
Date:23 February 2012
To:All Members

Change to report timings (FX rates and Bond Prices)

Please be advised that, as a result of changes to the LCH.Clearnet Ltd Banking system schedule and the extending operating day, the production times for the Exchange Rates and Bond Prices reports have changed with immediate effect.

Details of the changes are as follows:

Report Name Report Number Previous Time (approx)New Time
Daily Exchange RatesREP0001818:0023:45
European Bond PricesREP0002419:1522:45
Gilt PricesREP0002619:1522:45
Bond PricesREP0002819:1522:45
Collateral Prices*REP0003419:1522:45

*NB Collateral Prices shows a consolidated set of the three other Collateral Price Reports.

If you have any questions, please contact LCH.Clearnet Treasury Operations, lchoperations-treasury@lchclearnet.com or by phone: +44 (0) 20 7426 7505.

Siobhan White

Director, Treasury Operations