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Company Circular No:LCH.Clearnet Ltd Circular No 3104
Service Circular No:LCH EnClear No 355
Date:29 February 2012
To:All LCH.Clearnet EnClear Clearing Members

Fee Holiday for API 2 and API 4 coal swaps and change to minimum trade size

LCH.Clearnet is pleased to announce that with effect from 5 March 2012 LCH.Clearnet will be offering a fee holiday for its API 2 (AA2) and API 4 (AA4) coal swaps contracts, which fall within the LCH EnClear OTC Clearing service. The fee holiday will be in place for 6 months, ending on 3 August 2012. The fees for Coal options contracts will remain unchanged. Further details of fees can be found at http://www.lchclearnet.com/commodities/coal/fees.asp

In addition , with effect from 5 March 2012 LCH.Clearnet will reduce the minimum trade size for coal swaps from 5 lots per month (5,000t) to 1 lot per month (1000t). The minimum trade size for coal options contracts remains at 5 lots per month. Full contract specifications can be found at http://www.lchclearnet.com/commodities/coal/products.asp

If you have any questions relating to this circular, please do not hesitate to contact me at isabella.kurek-smith@lchclearnet.com or +44 207 426 7460.

Yours sincerely

Isabella Kurek-Smith
Director, Head of Energy and Freight Markets