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Company Circular No:

LCH.Clearnet Ltd Circular No 3174

Service Circular No:

Nodal Circular No 016

Enclear Circular No 361

Date:25 July 2012
To:All Enclear and Nodal Exchange Clearing Members

Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) Update for Enclear and Nodal Exchange Clearing Members

In order to remain compliant with Dodd-Frank legislation, all Enclear members who currently clear US client business, and all Nodal Exchange members who currently clear any client business, will need to be designated Futures Commission Merchants (FCMs).

The primary goals of the legislation and related rulemaking are to increase the transparency and efficiency of the OTC derivatives market and to reduce the potential for counterparty and systemic risk, whilst protecting client funds through the segregation of client positions and margin.

On Friday, July 27th, LCH.Clearnet will host a webcast to discuss how the Dodd-Frank Act (DFA) regulation will affect clearing members of LCH.Clearnet’s Enclear markets and Nodal Exchange.

For the Enclear markets, clearing members who currently clear US client business, or who plan to do so in the future, should attend this call. 

For Nodal Exchange, clearing members who currently clear any client business, or who plan to do so in the future, should attend this call.

Please join us at 10:00 AM ET, 3:00 PM London Time, on Friday July 27th to find out how the DFA FCM rule changes may affect you.

Click to Join FCM Update Webcast
(enter as guest)

Webcast audio details:
Main: +1 916-233-0780
Free phone: +1 888-296-6828
Participant: 860-147#

For more information please contact:

Isabella Kurek-SmithRandi Abernethy
Director, Freight and OTC Commodities  Director, Nodal Exchange Clearing
Tel: +44 20 7426 7460    Tel: +44 20 7426 7034
Email: isabella.kurek-smith@lchclearnet.comEmail: randi.abernethy@lchclearnet.com