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Company Circular No:

LCH.Clearnet Ltd Circular No 3206

Date:12 October 2012
To:All Clearing Members

Monthly Interest and Accommodation Invoice Changes

Currently the Monthly Interest and Accommodation Invoice is made available to Clearing Members showing the total amount of interest and accommodation to be paid or received on the second business day of the month, based on the previous month’s calculations.

Amounts are posted to Clearing Members’ accounts on the third business day of the month.

From November 2012, invoices will be made available to clearing members on the third business day of the month.  This new publication date will continue until further notice.

The publication of the November 2012 Monthly Interest and Accommodation Invoice will contain calculations on balances during October 2012.

Clearing members are advised that there will be no change to the date that amounts will be posted to their accounts.

Clearing members are also advised that the content of the Monthly Interest and Accommodation Invoice is being updated to state interest receivable/payable.

Further information

If you have any queries, please contact the Treasury Operations department by phone on 020 7426 7505 or by email at lchoperations-treasury@lchclearnet.com.