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Company Circular No:

LCH.Clearnet Ltd Circular No 3137

Service Circular No:Turquoise Circular No 217
Date:13 April 2012
To:All Turquoise Derivatives Clearing Members

Turquoise Derivatives Fee Invoices

Following member consultation, LCH.Clearnet is pleased to advise that as of the end of May 2012 our Turquoise Derivatives Fee Invoices will be enhanced to provide greater transparency. 

The invoices will show the following information:

Trading Fee
Clearing Fee                                            
Expiration Fee (cash settled products)                 
Assignment Fee                                          
Exercise Fee 
Transfer Fee                                            

Settlement Fees for the physically settled products will be included in the EquityClear settlement fee shown on the EquityClear invoice.

The invoices will continue to be available in PDF and CSV format within the member's individual web secure area.

If you have any questions please contact Karen Swift


Tel: +44 (0) 20 7426 7562