Company Circular No: | LCH.Clearnet Ltd Circular No 3261 |
Service Circular No: | Enclear Circular No 377 |
Date: | 22 February 2013 |
To: | All LCH EnClear Clearing Members |
Dear Member
As part of LCH.Clearnet Ltd’s (LCH.Clearnet) reporting requirements under Dodd Frank, LCH.Clearnet will need to provide a USI (Unique Swap Identifier) against all trades executed by registered SwapDealers. As a result, with effect from Monday 25th February 2013, the intra day and end of day Enclear reports (ECS_MBRITR.CSV & ECS_MBRTRD.CSV) will have 2 extra columns on the far right, the first will have an LCH.Clearnet identifier (lch_namespace_id), the second will the the USI for the trade (usi_value). These columns will be populated on all Members reports, although they need only be used by Members clearing for SwapDealers
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me on +44 207 426 7460 or
Yours sincerely
Isabella Kurek-Smith
Director, Head of Freight and OTC Commodities