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Company Circular No:

LCH.Clearnet LLC Circular No 8

Date:07 August 2013
To:All LLC Clearing Members

LCH.Clearnet LLC Acceptable Collateral Haircut Review

The LCH.Clearnet LLC (LCH.C) CaLM Risk department has undertaken a review of the haircuts applied to member margin non cash collateral.

Changes to the haircuts resulting from this review will be made effective from the close of business on Friday 16 August 2013 and can be viewed here.

Clearing Members are advised that the minimum term to maturity has been updated for some acceptable countries.

LCH.C continues to reserve the right to use its discretion in all circumstances and, in particular, around areas of specific concentration in securities received as margin collateral, including ‘wrong-way’ risk.

Clearing Members seeking further information in relation to this circular or confirmation of acceptable collateral should contact one of the following:

Collateral Operations
Tel: +1 212 513-5642
E-mail: collateral.ops.us@lchclearnet.com

CaLM Risk
E-mail: CaLRM@lchclearnet.com