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Company Circular No:

LCH.Clearnet Limited Circular No 3361

Service Circular No:

EquityClear No 247

Date:25 October 2013
To:All EquityClear Members

EquityClear – EMIR individual client segregated accounts

Dear Member

We would like to advise you that as per EMIR guidelines, individual client segregation account (ISA) functionality will be made available to all EquityClear members.

ISA functionality is optional and LCH.Clearnet Ltd will process ISA applications at a clearing member’s request.

We attach a draft application form. This will allow members to become familiar with the requirements prior to implementation.
Draft Application Form

For non-UK incorporated companies we attach a security deed (and guidelines) that will also be required for all ISA applications.

Please use the following link to review the EquityClear member reports
http://www.lchclearnet.com/Images/EquityClear%20Member%20Reports_tcm6-47620.pdf - EREP0030 and EREP0031 are new and recommended. EREP0003, EREP0020, EREP0026 & EREP0027 have the same format as currently but where necessary include the ISA figures.

An ISA fee schedule will be made available to clearing members in due course.

We will be offering ISA functionality testing to EquityClear members and will advise a testing schedule in due course.

Those members that would like to test or require further information please contact Ian Mackenzie Email: ian.mackenzie@lchclearnet.com Tel: +44 (0)20 7426 7265

Yours Sincerely

Roland Chai – Head of Equities, Limited