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Company Circular No:

LCH.Clearnet Limited Circular No 3363

Service Circular No:

EquityClear No 248

Date:29 October 2013
To:All EquityClear Members

Change of responsibility for London Stock Exchange Derivatives Market expiry Process

From 30/10/2013, LCH.Clearnet Ltd (LCH.Clearnet) will be responsible for the Option expiry and End of Day (EOD) process.

This will involve LCH.Clearnet running the End of Day (EOD) expiry process in the clearing system and opening the exercise window on expiry.

In exceptional circumstances LCH.Clearnet will insert exercise requests from members.

As from 30/10/13, Members who have any expiry related queries should contact the LCH.Clearnet Operations and Client Services department on +44 (0)20 7426 7688 or Derivatives.Ops.UK@lchclearnet.com

London Stock Exchange Derivatives will continue to determine the expiration prices and issue the expiration notices. If Members have any queries on these notices they should continue to contact the London Stock Exchange Derivative Market Operations team on 0207 797 3617 or etd.operations@lseg.com.