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Company Circular No:

LCH.Clearnet Limited Circular No 3369

Service Circular No:

SwapClear Circular No 106

Date:5 November 2013
To:All SwapClear Members

SwapClear Tolerance changes - Ltd

As part of its implementation of straight through processing, LCH.Clearnet Ltd established individual SwapClear Tolerance for each member as described in the Clearing House Procedures.

LCH.Clearnet Ltd currently does not make SwapClear Tolerance available after 2:45 pm (New York time). With effect from 4 November 2013, LCH.Clearnet Ltd will make SwapClear Tolerance available up to 7:00 p.m. (New York time) on each Business Day. LCH.Clearnet Ltd will commence extending SwapClear Tolerance again at 7:30 am (London time) at the start of each following Business Day.

This circular supersedes all prior circulars relating to the subject matter above.

For queries please contact:

SwapClear Client Services| LCH.Clearnet | Tel + 44 20 7426 7651
Email: swapclearclientservices@lchclearnet.com
Website: www.lchclearnet.com

Owen Taylor Owen.taylor@lchclearnet.com