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Company Circular No:

LCH.Clearnet Limited Circular No 3370

Service Circular No:

Nodal Circular No 20

Date:06 November 2013

Nodal US Bank Holiday Intraday calling procedures

Dear Member

We would like to advise you of our Intraday Margin Calling procedures on the Nodal Exchange for the upcoming US currency holiday on 11th November 2013 (Veteran’s Day).

On 11th November the Nodal Exchange will be open however US PPS Banks will be closed. LCH Clearnet Ltd will therefore be required to call Intraday margin prior to the 16:00 UK PPS cut off time. This margin will be calculated by using each members largest Intraday liability over the previous month.

If you have any queries, please contact the Operations and Client Services department by phone on 020 7426 7520 or by email at Derivatives.Ops.UK@lchclearnet.com