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Company Circular No:

LCH.Clearnet Limited Circular No 3385

Date:29 November 2013
To:All LCH.Clearnet Ltd Clearing members

Reminder - Security Deed Arrangements under EMIR

Further to circular number 3358 dated October 18 2013, providing details of new client clearing arrangements under EMIR, LCH.Clearnet would like to remind all members who have Tripartite Deeds of Assignment in place with their clients that Tripartite Deeds of Release in respect of these should be returned to LCH.Clearnet by 6 December 2013.

Please find below a link to the Tripartite Deed of Release.

Tripartite Deed of Release

Queries regarding the execution and return of the document should be directed to membership@lchclearnet.com or +44 (0)20 7426 7949.

Queries relating to legal matters should be directed to either farid.anvari@lchclearnet.com or james.christie@lchclearnet.com.