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Company Circular No:

LCH.Clearnet Ltd Circular No 3404

Service Circular No:

EquityClear Circular No 3

Date:14 January 2014
To:All EquityClear Clearing Members

EquityClear Service enhancement

Dear Member

We are pleased to announce that having reviewed our system processing and capabilities, we have re-arranged the scheduling of our end of day processing. This will now enable the EquityClear service to produce a number of our member reports earlier than had previously been possible.

From Monday 3rd February the following EquityClear reports will be generated and published to our reporting website at approximately 20:30 hours

EREP0005 – Netting – Net Trades for Settlement.txt
EREP0006e – Netting – Gross Trades for Gross and Net Settlement.txt
EREP0022 – Netting – Cash Only Net Settlement Constituents.txt
EREP0023 – Netting – Cash Payments.txt

We hope this enhancement further emphasises our commitment to our members to provide the market leading cash equity service.

If you have any questions or require additional information please contact Ian Mackenzie, ian.mackenzie@lchclearnet.com or Tel: +44 (0) 20 7426 7265

Yours Sincerely

Roland Chai – Director, Head of Equities, Limited