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Company Circular No:

LCH.Clearnet Ltd Circular No 3424

Service Circular No:

SwapClear Circular No 118

Date:12 February 2014
To:All LCH.Clearnet Ltd Clearing Members

LCH.Clearnet Ltd SwapClear Compression Offering Update

In a bid to provide greater efficiencies to the marketplace, SwapClear has introduced a multilateral member compression service as part of the formal launch of SwapClear Compression offerings on March 1, 2014. This will allow multiple members to simultaneously compress trades with each other. The new service will increase the unmatched flexibility and operational efficiency that members already benefit from with SwapClear, and is complementary to existing SwapClear and third-party compression offerings.

Members can take advantage of SwapClear’s multilateral member compression service now by executing a Member Compression Form (see link below) and signing up for upcoming multilateral member compression cycles.


Please note that there will be a tiered, volume-based fee structure for the entire SwapClear compression offering introduced on March 1, 2014 to coincide with the launch of multilateral capabilities, details of which will be provided in due course.

For further information, please contact:

SwapClear Compression| LCH.Clearnet | Tel + 44 20 7426 7651
Email: swapclearcompression@lchclearnet.com