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Company Circular No:

LCH.Clearnet Ltd Circular No 3426

Service Circular No:

LSE Derivatives Circular No 6

Date:14 February 2014
To:All LSE Derviatives Clearing Members

Change of Contact for London Stock Exchange Derivatives Market BCS Clearing activities

From 24 February 2014, LCH Clearnet Ltd (LCH) will take over responsibility for assisting members with the following clearing acitvities in LSE Derivative Market’s BIt Clearing Station (BCS):

London Stock Exchange Derivatives Operations will continue to assist with cross border give ups with Oslo Børs members.

LCH.Clearnet Ltd members should contact LCH Clearnet Ltd Operations and Client Services department if they have any queries related to the above mentioned clearing activities on Derivatives.Ops.UK@lchclearnet.com or + 44 (0) 20 7426 7688.