Company Circular No: | LCH.Clearnet LTD Circular No 3461 |
Date: | 15 April 2014 |
To: | All LCH.Clearnet Ltd Clearing Members |
LCH.Clearnet Ltd (LCH.Clearnet) currently provides Clearing Members with an email notification advising of any intra-day margin calls. This email is automatically triggered following each margin call or pre-funding request and is distributed to email addresses as nominated by each Clearing Member. Email address nominations range from a combination of individual email addresses and/or email distribution lists.
To reduce the number of email addresses and distribution lists maintained by LCH.Clearnet and to improve security around the validity of such addresses, LCH.Clearnet is mandating that Clearing Members nominate a single email distribution list per mnemonic, sub account and time zone (i.e. UK PPS and US PPS).
Responsibility for maintaining the individual email addresses included in this single distribution list will be for each Clearing Member to maintain.
Clearing Members are requested to provide their single nominated email distribution list to Collateral Operations ( by completing the form which can be found by clicking here. Forms must be returned to LCH.Clearnet by the close of business on 9 May 2014. The live date for implementation of Clearing Members newly nominated distribution lists will be for start of day on 2 June 2014.
If you require further information including a list of existing email addresses, please contact Michelle Williamson on 0203 197 4646 ( or Nick McMillan on 020 7426 7283 (