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Company Circular No:

LCH.Clearnet LTD Circular No 3465

Date:6 May 2014
To:All LCH.Clearnet Clearing Members

LCH.Clearnet LTD – Collateral Management System (CMS) Changes

Clearing Members are advised that LCH.Clearnet LTD is upgrading its Banking system in May 2014, the confirmed implementation date will be communicated in due course; however Clearing Members should be aware of the following changes which will be introduced in the Collateral Management System (CMS) as a result of the Banking Upgrade.

CMS Changes:

Full details of the changes can be found in the attached document.

Please note: These changes only apply to LCH.Clearnet Ltd and not LCH.Clearnet LLC at this time.

If you have any questions related to the implementation please email Collateral Services on collateral.services@lchclearnet.com.