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Markets:Bonds and Repos
Products:French, Italian and Spanish debts
Date:16 November 2012

Operating Reporting Enhancement: New Settlement Shaping Reporting

Monte Titoli’s launch of Release 3 of X-TRM on the 3 December 2012 will introduce a new settlement shape size of €5 million for the opening leg of same-day repo trades in Italy. This will standardise the shaping of all Italian settlement instructions into €5 million shapes.

Based on the above change, LCH.Clearnet is introducing a new SDRD report which will specifically detail the new shaped settlement instructions for Italian same-day business. For completeness, LCH.Clearnet SA is also including same-day settlement detail for French and Spanish debt in this new SDRD report.

The existing KOND report will remain unchanged by this development, however importantly it will not provide information relating to the new shaped settlement sizes of €5 million for Italian same-day repo.

The new SDRD report will be available in the test environment from Monday 19th November 2012. It will be implemented into production as of Monday 3rd December 2012 and will be available to Members via the usual web interface (Web-OTC) as well as two different FTP solutions: the push solution and the pull solution.

The Member reports description is available in the secure area here


Monte Titoli is currently implementing a shaping mechanism of the spot leg of the Overnight Repo as announced here.

For further information, please contact:

Mykael Lemosle: +33 (0) 1 70 37 65 27

Michel Bokobza: +33 (0) 1 70 37 65 55

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