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Products:Fixed Income
Date:13 October 2009

Enhancements to Italian debt clearing services

Extension of the CCP Service to Overnight Repos

Extension of the test period

LCH.Clearnet SA would like to inform its members that the test period for the extension of the CCP services to Italian overnight repos, originally scheduled from 14 September
to 15 October 2009, will be prolonged in order to allow further testing.

As a result, the introduction of the service, originally planned for 19 October 2009, will be slightly delayed. The new launch date will be communicated in due time.


For further information, please contact:

your LCH.Clearnet SA product implementation manager:
Jean-François Sougakoff: +33 (0) 1 70 37 65 36 – jean-francois.sougakoff@lchclearnet.com

or your local account manager:
Michel Bokobza: +33 (0) 1 70 37 65 55 – michel.bokobza@lchclearnet.com

Customer and Market Management LCH.Clearnet SA

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