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Date:31 January 2012

UCS Programme – Derivatives


Free test start date has been brought forward

The opening of the EUA V9 test environment for free testing by all members has been brought forward. The free test period is extended by 3 weeks and will now start as of Monday 6 February 2012.

This decision has been made due to the satisfactory progress and results of the pilot tests. To date, very few problems have been reported by the Pilot test participants and those found have been resolved successfully.

The Pilot member test phase will finish shortly following which all members will receive a general update on the scope and results of the Pilot tests.

Incident Reporting

Please report any problem or incident detected during the free test period by e-mail to our helpdesk at Lchclearnetsa_CTH@lchclearnet.com copying your product implementation manager (see e-mail address below).


We remind you that the launch to production of the new UCS Derivatives V9 is scheduled for Friday 30 March 2012.

For further information, please contact: your LCH.Clearnet SA product implementation manager:

Gilles CASTEL : +33 (0) 1 70 37 42 97 - gilles.castel@lchclearnet.com

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