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Markets:Bourse du Luxembourg
Date:6 December 2011

DWP and Cash Only Instructions

Production launch update

The implementation of STP management for Delivery With Payment and Cash Only instructions will now be implemented on Monday 6 February 2012.

As a reminder, this service enhancement of Bourse de Luxembourg clearing services will allow clients to reconcile these instructions with the settlement operations at Euroclear Bank and Clearstream.

For more details please refer to the previous Infoflash: http://www.lchclearnet.com/member_notices/flash_infos/equities/2011-10-24.asp

For further information and for requesting support, please contact:

Your Account manager.
Contact details of your Account Manager are available at http://www.lchclearnet.com/membership/sa/crm_contacts.asp.

Click to see a PDF version of this information

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