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Products:Securities Borrowing & Lending
Date:08 July 2009

LCH.Clearnet SA offers CCP services for SecFinex - A first for the Securities Borrowing and Lending

Successful launch

LCH.Clearnet SA is pleased to confirm the successful launch of its clearing services for the SecFinex market.

LCH.Clearnet’s CCP services are operational on the SecFinex market since 19 June 2009.

We would like to thank participating members and partners involved in this success.

The new fee grid including the tariffs and fees for the SecFinex market is now available on our website: http://www.lchclearnet.com/fees/sa/products/secfinex_markets.asp

Please be informed that LCH.Clearnet SA offers a fee holiday until the end of the year.

From now on and for daily production your contacts will be:

LCH.Clearnet SA Operations Department for all operational matters.
Telephone: +33 1 70 37 65 16

LCH.Clearnet SA Customer Technical Helpdesk for all technical matters (connectivity, reception of files…).
Telephone: +33 1 70 37 66 00
E-mail: lchclearnetsa_cth@lchclearnet.com
your local account manager

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