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Market:Securities Borrowing and Lending
Date:03 August 2011

Securities Borrowing & Lending: Updates on Roadmap

Executive Summary

LCH.Clearnet is implementing additional features to the Securities Borrowing and Lending clearing service in a phased approach and is pleased to announce that the Phase II solution is expected to go live at the end of Q1 2012.

Clients benefits & features

Phase I - current benefits

Phase II - additional features available at the end of Q1 2012

Partial returns and recall:

Rerating of the outstanding balance on loan:

Corporate actions (mandatory) - Euro manufactured dividends processing:

Next steps and planning


Information about the Securities Borrowing and Lending clearing service can be found on our website here.


The clearing service will be available on the External User Acceptance test platform in January 2012 and the production launch of the service is expected to be at the end of Q1 2012.

For further information, please contact:

Your LCH.Clearnet SA Product Implementation manager:
Mykael Lemosle: +33 (0) 1 70 37 65 27 - mykael.lemosle@lchclearnet.com

Or your account manager.

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