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Products:Fixed Income
Date:16 July 2009

Price Data Feed Enhancements

As announced on 12 January 2009, LCH.Clearnet SA is in the process of enhancing the internal data feed that supports the Fixed Income clearing operations in French and Italian bonds and repo.

Following the last Info Flash, dated 10 July 2009, announcing the launch of the enhanced price data feed, we can confirm that the launch will take place on Friday 24 July 2009.

Reminder of Impacts:

Based on feedback, LCH.Clearnet SA does not believe that any Fixed Income Clearing Members use this field. Therefore we do not anticipate any significant impact from this change.

For further information, please contact:

your LCH.Clearnet SA product implementation manager:
Tom BADMAN: +33 (0) 1 70 37 67 69 – tom.badman@lchclearnet.com
the Fixed Income Market Liaison:
Nick Maggs, +44 (0) 20 7426 7442 – nick.maggs@lchclearnet.com

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