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Date:8 July 2011

Service Improvement: Electronic Invoicing and Evidences

In May we informed our clients about the electronic invoicing and evidences project via an info flash that is available here. This new ‘free of charge’ service will allow clients to receive the invoices and evidences (also known as” justificatory reports”) earlier in time, to automate invoice processing and reconciliation and to have the possibility to access historical information.

We are now moving ahead with the implementation of our new electronic invoicing and evidences service which is further detailed in the attached service description document. You are kindly requested to read this document carefully as it lays out the principles and practical details of the new service.

Along with this info flash, you will find attached:

In addition to the above documents, you will also find the following forms:

  1. Invoice dematerialization acceptance form: In this form, the client expressly accepts or rejects to receive original invoices in electronic format as described in the attached service description. Acceptance implies that paper invoice will no longer be provided by LCH.Clearnet. It should be noted nevertheless, that clients may at any time revert back to paper invoices. This can be done via the same form;
  2. Client’s administrator e-mail address form: In this form, the client provides the e-mail address to which LCH.Clearnet can send the login and password details for the client’s administrator access (see section 4 of the attached Service Description).

You are kindly requested to fill in and return a scanned version or paper of both forms by Friday 22 July 2011 to your Product Implementation Manager by respectively e-mail or by post.

Optional service - Automated file transmission

Besides the manual download of invoices and evidences from the portal which is free of charge, clients have the possibility to automate the reception of original invoices and associated evidence/justificatory reports (detailed in section 3.2 of the service description). Please note that this optional service is subject to additional fees as follows:

As a commercial gesture, the initial subscription fee will not apply if the client subscription is received before Thursday 15 September 2011. Also, the recurring fee will only be charged as from 1 January 2012. Please contact Product Implementation Manager for further details regarding this option.

Service implementation approach

The roll-out of the new service will occur in the following steps/stages:

The following table summarises the progressive roll-out of the service:

Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3
Original InvoicesPaperPaperSigned PDF or paper depending on client’s acceptance/rejection of dematerialization
Duplicate InvoicesPDFPDFPDF
Structured Invoice FileXMLXMLXML
Evidence/Justificatory ReportsBoth Paper and XMLXML onlyXML only

The roll-out will start in Q3 2011. More precise dates for this schedule will be provided in the next info flash to be released at the end of July 2011.

For further information, please contact:

Your LCH.Clearnet SA Product Implementation manager:

Gilles CASTEL: +33 (0) 1 70 37 42 97 – gilles.castel@lchclearnet.com

LCH.Clearnet SA
Le Centorial
18, rue du 4 Septembre
75002 – PARIS - France

or your Account manager.

Contact details of your Account Manager are available here.

Customer and Market Management LCH.Clearnet SA

Click here to view a PDF version of this information

Attached Documents

The specifications of the invoice and evidence/justificatory report XML files

A reconciliation guide

Invoice dematerialization acceptance form

Client’s administrator e-mail address form

Service Description