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Date:12 August 2011

Electronic Invoices & Evidences

Service Opening

As announced in our previous info flash, the electronic invoices and evidences portal will be opened for our clients today. Clients who have returned the dedicated form for the service will receive an administrator user ID and password this evening or night. Clients will be able to access the invoices and evidences using the new portal with this user ID and password.

The invoices and evidences for the month of July have been sent by post mail in two distinct envelops earlier this week. In this first phase of the roll-out, the invoices and the evidences will be available both in paper and electronic format.

User Guide

You will find attached to the e-mail an user guide that will help you use our electronic invoices and evidences portal. Prior to using the service, we strongly suggest you read the service description that was sent in July and is available here.


To access the portal, you need an administrator user ID and a password as formerly explained. We kindly request clients who have not yet sent this e-mail address to do so using the attached form urgently.

We would like to remind you that the August evidences to be issued early September will only be available in electronic format on the portal. Therefore, to obtain the evidences, clients will need to download the evidence reports from the portal using a user ID and a password.

For further information, please contact:

Your LCH.Clearnet SA Product Implementation manager:

Gilles CASTEL: +33 (0) 1 70 37 42 97 – gilles.castel@lchclearnet.com

or your Account manager.

Contact details of your Account Manager are available here.

Customer and Market Management LCH.Clearnet SA

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