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Originating Department:Risk Management
Company Circular No:LCH.Clearnet Ltd Circular No. 3153
Service Circular No:NYSE Liffe No. 822
Date:23 May 2012
To:All NYSE Liffe Clearing Members

NYSE Liffe Margin Rate Changes 

  1. LCH.Clearnet Ltd has, after consultation with NYSE Liffe, revised the London SPAN parameters as marked in bold and italic on the below spreadsheet.

  2. Changes have been made to NYSE Liffe Commodities, Liffe Equities and Liffe Indices Scanning Ranges and Intermonth Spreads.

  3. The changes will take place with effect from close of business Monday 28th May 2012 and will be reflected in margin calls made on Tuesday 29th May 2012.

  4. This circular supersedes circular number LCH.Clearnet Ltd. 3147; LIFFE/ 821 dated 4 May 2012.

  5. Details of the current London SPAN Parameters, for all NYSE Liffe contracts, can be found on the LCH.Clearnet website (www.lchclearnet.com) under Risk Management > Ltd > Margin rate circulars.

  6. Please click on the NYSE Liffe Margin Rate Spreadsheet for the revised SPAN parameters marked in bold and italic. 

  7. For further information please contact the following:

          Risk Operations +44 (0)20 7426 7520


Nicholas Lincoln
Director, Market Risk 

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