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Risk Margin is calculated using ERA (Equity Risk Analysis). The prime initial margin methodology is a portfolio approach using historical prices.

LCH.Clearnet Limited has developed an algorithm, LCH ERA, for the calculation of margin for cash equities and equivalent linear instruments. The LCH ERA algorithm was developed by LCH.Clearnet Limited after discussions with a member advisory group late in 1999 and was subsequently approved by the LCH.Clearnet Limited Risk Committee.

To review our ERA Technical Information Pack (TIP) please click here

If you would like a copy of PC ERA to calculate margins please contact those mentioned in the contacts section.


Ian MacKenzie - Customer Relationship Manager

LCH.Clearnet Ltd
Aldgate House
33 Aldgate High Street
London EC3N 1EA

Tel: + 44 (0)20 7426 7265
e-mail: ian.mackenzie@lchclearnet.com